Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology (Oxford Medical Handbooks) Török, Estée; Moran, Ed; Cooke, Fiona


About the Author:

Estée Török, Clinician Scientist Fellow & Senior Research Associate, University of Cambridge, UK,Ed Moran, Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases, University of Oxford, UK,Fiona Cooke, Consultant in Microbiology, Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntongdon, UK

Estée Török trained in Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology in Oxford. Prior to this she was a Clinical Research Fellow based at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam. Her research interests are HIV, tuberculosis, central nervous system infections and the development of diagnostic tests for the developing world.
Ed Moran is a registrar in Infectious Disease and General Medicine. He trained in Cambridge, studied for the Diploma in Tropical Medicine in Liverpool and undertook his PhD in Dengue Fever immunology in Oxford and Vietnam. He has worked as a physician in the UK and South Africa, and is currently based at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.
Fiona Cooke trained in Medical Microbiology in London and Cambridge. She completed her PhD at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Her interests are gastro-intestinal infections, bacterial genomics and the development of molecular tests..



Fully reviewed and revised for its second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology maintains its position as the must-have guide to all aspects of infectious diseases and microbiology. Reflecting the current approach to joint postgraduate training programmes, the handbook takes an integrated approach to both subjects. It covers the basic principles of bacteriology and virology, along with specific guidance on individual diseases and conditions, all in the accessible Oxford Handbook style.

Now including new topics on important subjects such as microbiology specimen collection, commonly used media, molecular diagnostics, and antimicrobials in pregnancy, as well as incorporating new guidelines from WHO, NICE, and BASHH among others, this handbook ensures that the informaiton you need is accessible, clear, and easy-to-understand.

Practical and comprehensive, this handbook includes coverage of National Frameworks and current legislation, together with information on topical issues such as bioterrorism and preventative medicine. Fully reviewed by specialist senior readers, and with useful links to up-to-date clinical information and online resources, this is an important addition to the Oxford Handbook Series.