Clinical Methods: A Key to Diagnosis in Paediatrics Mukherjee, Dilip




Serves as reference material that deal with practical aspects of clinical paediatrics focusing on clinical approach to childhood diseases. Opening chapter emphasizes systematic approach to detailed history taking that nearly offers clue to probable diagnosis. Importance of each point in the history is analysed with probable interpretations. Physical examination follows in the next chapter that is aimed at sharpening clinical skills. Subsequent chapters deal with individual systems. Appropriate stress on anatomy is a special feature in the chapter on Neurology. Endocrinological and metabolic system is a welcome addition and special mention must be made for inclusion of child behaviour and psychology that is often neglected though extremely relevant. Each chapter includes many tables that provide useful information.
Another unique feature of this book is the Appendices that include growth charts, body surface area chart, ECGs and radiological images. This adds significantly to the academic value of the book. The book also includes many clinical photographs that offer visual impressions of various conditions.


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